dark am i, yet lovely, a lily among thorns, majestic as stars in procession

dark am i, yet lovely, a lily among thorns, majestic as stars in procession

Monday 30 July 2018

Dreamworld 4

We were in a scrapyard, me and my mates, dossing about. Suddenly someone shouted, “There’s a rattyatty!” so I run and jumped on a wall. “You blagger, you’re just scaring me!” I shouted back – but, unbelievably, there was not one but three giant rats roaming around the scruffy floor. My stomach lurched. I felt sick and scared. As I looked down, I realised that my hand was on top of a rat. I screamed and fell off the wall, straight into a deep black well. My mates followed me down the well to help me. At the bottom of the well was a steep hill. We started running up the hill that led into a bright countryside. In the countryside was a high fence. We climbed up and looked over and saw loads of busy village people all working away like the Amish. We found a hole in the wall and sneaked thru towards a bunch of older kids playing football. One of them said let the little kids join in, so we joined in, but the first time I kicked the ball it froze in midair. “Game’s paused,” one of the older kids said, so we stopped playing. “Hey, let me show you my favourite teachers,” he added. He was a big boy. He led us into the local school and escorted us into the staffroom. It was full of sofas with teachers on them just lazing about. They looked so relaxed and peaceful. I stood there admiring them with total respect and reverence. “These are all my favourite teachers,” the big boy stated. “I’ll never forget them when I leave.” But just then the headmaster came in and cleared the room. She chased me and my mates away into a small dorm. I climbed onto the top bunk and started eating some biscuits that were up there. The headmaster phoned the armed police to get me down. Soon I was surrounded and being issued scary orders to come down and receive punishment. My mate climbed up with me and shouted down, “Stop telling him what to do. Let him come down in his own time.” Then my mate went back down because he said his girlfriend was pregnant. As soon as he went down some beautiful Amish girls come up and asked me to help them organise some photographs. They have many photographs which we start arranging into piles. I am on some of them. In one, I am in a family portrait, even though I don’t have a family yet. In another, I am posed in front of a wall of all my artwork. The photographs are glowing, as if they have their own natural light. “Come down and meet my newborn baby,” my mate calls up to me, so finally I do go down and start playing with his baby. The baby is walking around and copying whatever I do. He is also pooing everywhere. My mate follows him around, cleaning up the poo. “I’ll give you a lift back now,” one of the beautiful Amish girls says to me, and we get in her car. She plays the music very loud, and we drive very fast all the way home.

Sunday 29 July 2018

What They Can Do To The Human Mind

Firstly, they can put voices in your head. You hear these as clearly as if someone is speaking next to you. They can originate from inside the head, or they can come from any direction in the air. Above, behind, from the distance, from the sky, or from right over your shoulder. These voices can be anyone you know, living, fictional, or dead. They can mimic any voice, and you can hear multiple voices at once. They can even convert your own thoughts into a voice, so it sounds like there is an echo in your head. They can also put any other type of noise in your head. Dogs barking, alarm clocks, taps dripping, burps, farts, anything. They can play these sounds on a continuous loop to induce insanity. They can even implant sound into your immediate environment. In your office. In your bedroom. In your toilet. Footsteps on the carpet as you doze at night. You can hear these noises even as you sleep. 

They can induce physical hallucinations. A goblin or ghoul walking around your house. A snake on your pillow. When you’re wide awake, you might be wise to it, but when you’re half-asleep, you think they are real. Not only can they see the Mind’s Eye on a video screen, and read your verbal thoughts to the letter, but they can induce images and movies straight into the visual cortex of the brain. This means that you see their shit even when your eyes are tight shut. They can play horror simulations with sound effects. They can give you nightmares of their making.

They can make you feel things that aren’t there. This might be a pair of hands molesting you when you are half-asleep, or someone sat on top of you. The body physically feels this as a result of motor cortex manipulation. You could get stabbed by a hallucination you can see, hear and feel. They can literally create any torture scenario imaginable, and you go through it as though it were really happening. This is virtual reality.

This is a very brief overview of what they can do to the human mind, rendered from personal experience. There will obviously be a lot more I am not aware of.