dark am i, yet lovely, a lily among thorns, majestic as stars in procession

dark am i, yet lovely, a lily among thorns, majestic as stars in procession

Monday 17 December 2018

Demon Shift

“Okay Demon, you win, now that I sense your presence, tell me of yourself.” I didn’t expect a response, but, to my surprise, the Demon was blatantly honest. It said, through a disembodied voice that mimicked the voices of the people I had loved, both living and deceased, that it was pure energy. Pure energy that could take the form of any shape in existence and more. It said it would morph into many horrible monstrosities and haunt me in my very own home. It said it would torture me in my sleep, and give me visions of people being tortured in Hell. I would be able to feel it hurt my flesh, and the only help from society would come in the form of a schizophrenic label. It was above the law. Demons had no law. It said it would kill me many times over, but keep bringing me back to inflict some more suffering over and over again. It said it created humans to feed off their pain. Pain released an energy which gave them their power. They had no choice, they had to punish innocents to maintain their grasp over humanity. They liked to shape-shift into human form in their spare time and reap the rewards of wealth. They could be invisible too, if so desired. They were amorphous. They had the ability to walk through walls. They could walk into a bank vault and take all the money. They could also think creatures into existence. Terrible mutants with multiple heads, rats with horns, tarantulas the size of houses. They think it, and it appears. They could make people disappear from their jobs and appear in Hell. Hell was their permanent source of power, reaped from the anguish and agony of people in perpetual distress. Demons have many forms and guises. They like to appear as beautiful humans who will, via cunning and deception, gain the trust of unknowing folk. They will pose as family and friends for many years at a time before revealing their true identity. In their true nature, they like to appear as terrifying as possible. But they can become talking shadows, or parasitical centipedes, or just about anything their perversely warped imaginations can conjure. They can become steam, or the wind, or rain. They control the seasons, and they shifted the whole Earth into existence. Their manipulation of the holographic world we perceive is nothing short of magic and God-like. But they are nothing like God: They are the exact opposite of a loving compassionate God. Demons treat humans with utter contempt and hatred and tell us we deserve Eternal Hell for having wicked natures. It’s unfair. They have too much of an advantage over us. There’s nothing we can do. We can’t fight back. They pray on our weaknesses. They give us debilitating nightmares. They gang up on us. And they have the perfect cover story to deny their existence – mind control. It’s a common conception that people who hear voices are either mentally ill or victims of a high-tech government conspiracy. But once the demons reveal themselves to you, they are absolutely unavoidable, parading in every direction your eyes look. In reflections, on roof tops, in the TV…there’s no escaping them. I say we can’t fight back, but we must try. It’s a shock when you realise you ain’t top of the food chain anymore, but at the end of the day, humans aren’t to be underestimated. I refuse to be treated like this. “I’m standing up to you, Demon. Get behind me. What better way to die, than when facing fearful odds, on the ashes of my fathers, in the temples of my Gods.”

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