Ride those pearly waves...

an oil change of the brain

I was just thinking about Richard Branson’s island pad. I’m sure I seen it on MTV Cribs one time. Necker Island, it’s called. It’s all open plan. And I mean open as in no walls or doors. As in THINGS CAN FLY IN. Now I’m sorry, and I don’t know about you, but that is NOT for me. Just the idea of a gull landing on my bed makes me fidgety. Lord only knows what specimens of frog, bat, lizard or bird might invite itself in. I’m reminded of some mundane factory work I did some years ago. There were areas of the open warehouse where people claimed to have seen rats. It always tickles me how people exaggerate the size of rats when estimating the size with their hands. These rats, supposedly, were the size of dogs. There were also cats hanging around the area, and bats too, high up in the rafters. I distinctly recall one fellow listing the creatures he’d seen (rats, cats and bats), then reaching the conclusion that if it ends in a T, it’s in ‘ere. They were his actual words. If it ends in a T, it’s in ‘ere. Elephant, then? Pink one, maybe...
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