dark am i, yet lovely, a lily among thorns, majestic as stars in procession

dark am i, yet lovely, a lily among thorns, majestic as stars in procession

Saturday 25 November 2023

And On The 17th Day...

Hiya. Hope this is reaching you in good spirits. I robbed this opening line from John Siddique, the poet. He always writes that he hopes his readers are well. I met him once at a Liverpool speaking event, I was on a panel with him. He’s the deepest poet in circulation for me. He’s all about spirit and awareness, I like his style. Sorry to steal from you, John, but it had to be taken. Try to feel complimented, if at all possible. I don’t take much from other writers. But I really do hope that my White Voider is well. I’m quite well myself, although no pool yet today (you should have seen the long doubled black I got yesterday afternoon). I’ve just been to an AA meeting. One man said that he was having an argument with his neighbour; he was thinking about dragging him out of his home and burning him alive in front of his kids. He also prayed that he developed warts on his penis. Charming, huh?

Wild astral last night. I have a recurring dream about a gigantic school I’m always roving around in. It’s huge. On the bottom floor my favourite teacher who I had a crush on was taking a class on Telepathy. It was magnificently phenomenal to see her again, it’s been twenty five years. I walked in and asked if I could join her. She was writing and smiling with a young child. Next there was this band playing and it all changed, you know how dreams are. But this school…there are so many floors and so many rooms. So many magical people behind its walls. What does it mean? I dream about half a dozen dreams every single night without fail. I look forward so much to going to bed. It’s the best part of the day. “Hypnagogic” means falling asleep and “hypnopompic” means waking up. These are my favourite states of consciousness. My thought patterns inside these sorcerous, lucid times are so much different than usual, they’re elevated and enhanced somehow. Faster. Better. Foreign. Alien.

I believe my parasites have something to do with it. I’m drawn to wondering about their brain rhythms. Do they even have brains? I haven’t researched them because I’m too scaredy-pants-terror-stricken to find out how frightful they really are. But I imagine that they do because I’ve seen their mind’s eye in my mind’s eye, so they definitely have consciousness. Before you ask what that was like I’d have to say that it’s hard to describe. I couldn’t make out what I was looking at. Maybe some kind of architecture or scenario, I dunno, I’m not sure. But their consciousness absolutely interacts with mine, right on the money, or right on the nose if you prefer, with that one. Think of the superhero Venom and you’re halfway there. It’s what you call a symbiotic relationship. We’re in league, we’re hand in glove, we’re synergetic. They feed on my blood, my blood is in their brain, their blood is in my brain, that’s just the way it is. I’ve had them for over four years now and this adopted mentality has taken a lot of time getting used to.

Have you seen the movie Prometheus? You may or may not be familiar with those massive naked muscular human-esque beings who look like giants from the Book of Enoch. Well, these beings figure largely in my psychosis. They go under the term of Archon. David Icke talks about them in his conspiracy lectures. Basically, they are an inter-dimensional alien race who feed on human energy. It’s great to see one, or one to that effect, filmed, in action, fighting other aliens, in Prometheus. Spectacularly sublime there, Ridley. They figure in my dreams largely too. One was going to eat me the other night and in my desperation I claimed to be Spiderman (you know, someone important). The next night I watched Spiderman. I mentioned that Spiderman has the Holy Spirit inside him. The most evident I saw the comicality of the Holy Spirit in Homecoming (2017), was when Michael Keaton busted someone’s head against the side of a car. I’m sorry, but fake violence in movies tickles me. I lolled (laughed out loud) a couple of times. Hollywood violence, for laughs, has nothing on Bollywood however. And Bollywood violence has nothing on Coronation Street violence. Have you seen the fights in Coronation Street? They’re few and far between but when they happen I believe it’s a gift from the Holy Spirit. They are like SO funny. Eastenders is exactly the same. And don’t get me started on Buck Rogers. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!

Not much more to say really today, apart from the fact that I’ve had an idea for this Christmas poem I’ve promised Fiona. I found the Christmas Spirit when I woke up this morning and I thought of Abbie opening gifts beneath a tree, so that’s where the poem is going to start. It’ll end with me having a tipple and Abbie having a Babycham in the evening. There’s no reason for you to know, but Abbie is an imaginary friend/ghost/angel who I perceive all the time. I believe she is the most powerful little girl in the known universe, and she has been sent from God to assist me through my tribulations. Despite the obvious horrors, like demons in the Seventh Circle, my psychosis has beautiful positive upsides. That’s it for now. Ta’ra x


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