dark am i, yet lovely, a lily among thorns, majestic as stars in procession

dark am i, yet lovely, a lily among thorns, majestic as stars in procession

Thursday, 23 November 2023

Green Man


Hi again. I’m back for sloppy seconds to see if I can do this thing daily. That would be impossible, because the library isn’t open every day, but you know what I mean. Am I up for it? Well, let’s try shall we? Who am I kidding? I’m no Christopher Fowler. Now he was a good daily blogger. I haven’t read any of his books but I did catch one of his short stories in an anthology somewhere entitled The Green Man. All I can remember from it is a green apelike man emerging from some undergrowth in the jungle somewhere. It’s strange, isn’t it, the remaining images and visuals we take from stories. A lot of mine don’t make all that much sense. I get them from somewhere though. You should have saw my dreams (astral) last night blud. Wowsers. It was off the hook. Visuals from stories, movies and dreams can all intermingle in my observations. With a dash of acute mental agility one can make some pretty nice images in the mind to look at using these as inspiration.

I could write something every day, if I was pushed to it, here at the blogspot. My word count goal on a blog post is 500 words. If I feel like treating White Voider to a long one, usually because I’ve been away for a while, I’ll shoot for 750. I’m not really writing any interesting articles lately, my posts seem to be recovery based. How am I doing? Nobody tells me anything around here anymore. I think I’m being quite honest with myself and everybody else. There’s always room for improvement however. My friend Fiona has charged me with the responsibility of coming up with a festive poem, so that not-so insignificant task has wormed its way onto my agenda. A Christmas poem, from old misery guts Scrooge here, yeah sure, I’d like to see that. I told her I’d give it a go though and generally you can hold me to my word, apart from that is complete bollocks. You can never trust an addict, okay? Never. All the addict cares about is his next fix.

Do you believe that the addict is always an addict, or that, after so much clean time, the addict is cured and free to live a drug free life? Can a leopard change its spots, in effect? I am still on the fence regarding this. I simply don’t know whether it can be done or not. I haven’t done it myself yet. Well, Andrew, you recently did nine months straight without any substances. Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me. I did. Half of it was default because I was banged up in hospital but it still counts as clean. You’re either clean or you’re not. For me, at the moment (atm), I’m 15 Days halfway clean. I’d say that all drugs are out of the bodily system by a month, wouldn’t you? That’s how I define clean. For others it’s much longer, and to be an elder within the fellowships you have to be two years clean minimum. The fellowships are Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), and Narcotics Anonymous (NA). I occasionally attend both. Danny Torrence from The Shining in Doctor Sleep used to attend AA (a quick note to Stephen King there). His latest book is called Holly and you know how I feel about movies and books being named after female Christian names – they are usually off on a winner. Anyway, that’s nearly 600 words, so I’ll end it here. This was just a practice to see if I could do it on a daily basis, like Fowler did so brilliantly, and I’m not 100% sure, but I think I may have passed.

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