dark am i, yet lovely, a lily among thorns, majestic as stars in procession

dark am i, yet lovely, a lily among thorns, majestic as stars in procession

Saturday 23 December 2023

Ranting For A Living

Just been for a Christmas bash get together dinner at the drug rehab clinic I am a client at, they were very generous with the meat, unlike Toby Carvery. I went Toby Carvery on Wednesday for another bash, there they are shy with the meat but it’s well worth the £8.99 price tag. I couldn’t slice meat for people at a carvery myself, I’m far too kind, I’d be giving everyone massive portions, there’d be nothing left, the management would go mad at me. Neither could I be a drug dealer for the same reason. So, there are two professions out the window already and I’ve only just started listing them. Serving pints of booze is different, a pint is a pint, but when it comes down to personal discretion, I’m just not tight enough to make anyone any money.

Watched Promised Land last night, a movie starring Matt Damon. It was about fracking, essentially, and although it sounds boring it had a good story and of course Matt Damon will always be Matt Damon. He’s not in my favourite higher echelon of actors but he is mesmerising in The Departed, I got to give it to him.

How’s the war in Gaza getting along? I don’t have a telly so I can’t keep up with the news. I just see bits and bobs of the news in the pub from time to time. It really is depressing, isn’t it? I mean, what’s that war over? What’s the pretence this time? Tony Blair and George Dubya said Saddamn Hussein was addicted (lol) to weapons of mass destruction when, upon further investigation, it turned out he just had a balaclava and a hammer stashed under his bed. Is there any oil in the Gaza region? As you can tell I’m not in the least bit politically minded, although I do respect them a lot. I used to enjoy watching Peston on TV when I had one, or Kilroy or The Big Questions, sometimes with a hangover even The Daily Politics. I liked John Prescott, Boris Johnson and Michael Portillo, although I’d vote Labour if I had to. Michael is so softly spoken and gentle and diplomatic, a man you can trust with your life. Except if everything from his trap wasn’t as empty as a politician’s promise – joke (sort of).

What else is going on? Are you going to be watching the Strictly Come Dancing Christmas Special? Lol. I remember one Christmas way back when, Merlin almost drove me to suicide. I’ll be spending my chrimbo watching all the Harry Potters or Lord of the Rings, and if you believe that you’ll believe anything. I’m starving homeless and need food so hit on my ‘donate’ button. I promise I won’t buy cigarettes, alcohol or drugs. I’ll spend it very wisely, maybe on another couple of Toby Carverys in the New Year. Only joshing with ‘ya, I would never ask for anything from a White Voider. When I was homeless I didn’t beg like some of them do. Some people beg who aren’t even homeless, it’s a bit of a scam isn’t it to make good money. You hear about beggars retiring to their detached houses after a long day on the street. Anyway peace out x

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