dark am i, yet lovely, a lily among thorns, majestic as stars in procession

dark am i, yet lovely, a lily among thorns, majestic as stars in procession

Saturday 16 March 2024

Blog Talk

This blogging business is proving a hard graft today. In the goody olden days I’d be writing about music, art and ceramics, but now I feel like it’s just a plain boring psychosis testimony log. There’s nothing boring about psychosis, mind, but you know what I mean. I’ve lost so much in my life over recent years. All my ceramic collection got demolished when I trashed my flat, it was a beautiful acquisition; I really miss it a lot. I also plopped my personal PC computer laptop in the bath because a spirit told me to get rid of the filthy videos stored on its hard drive. Bit of a drastic measure like, I know. I used to do all of my artwork on that computer. I also don’t even own a keyboard at the moment to do some music on, I’m stuck with a haggard aged organ which sounds like crap. So my creative outlets are at a severe disadvantage compared to what they used to be. The intent is still there lying dormant within me however, and I am keen to produce.

I’m surprised this blog is still even going, as the email provider it is associated with went out of business ages ago. Via some small miracle, the email address is still active, even though I haven’t used it for a number of years. I’m stunned that this site is still operational, but I’m not complaining a bit, as I need this platform to express myself. It’s become like a psychosis diary lately, but in the wider scheme of things it can be whatever it wants. It would be nice to write about other people, like my peers and idols, then publicise the results on social media, but I lost my social media platform when I lost another email address, for some reason. I invested ten years of art, writing and music on Facebook so it’s a bit like a slap in the face to lose it. And I had some fabulous connections on Twitter (or X as it’s called now). It’s a sad and sorry shame really, I tell myself that I don’t need it, similar to my television, but secretly I miss it dreadfully. It makes me feel slightly despondent and disconsolate.

When my younger brother was murdered by police (or died in police custody, as they call it), I started a twitter account in his name to spread awareness about black deaths in custody suites. I feel like that would be really getting somewhere by now, if that account had stayed active, but all because I lose one poxy email address, my whole empire comes crashing down around me. Not only that, but I’ve also lost a dongle with a wealth of material on, including several whole digital books, so I’m unable to share them here as I originally intended to do. Another sad shame. We live on, however, free to create more matter and put our heart and soul into each portion of it. Loss will not define me. I’ll not get upset. Memories are all we have and one of the most important parts of life. When I’m sat at home, not watching TV, I can think about all the great art I’ve done and all the zany books I’ve wrote and make myself contented by the mere nostalgic reminiscence of those things.


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