dark am i, yet lovely, a lily among thorns, majestic as stars in procession

dark am i, yet lovely, a lily among thorns, majestic as stars in procession

Saturday 27 July 2024

Psycho To It

I touched upon the dungeon underneath my property yesterday. I’m not quite ready to talk about it just yet, although I am thinking about it. I’m not sure of the words to use. It’s been there since forever, since I can remember, although I was only made aware of it about three years ago. I remember the day I was absolutely made certain that there were evildoers beneath me, it was daunting, all I could do was drink and smoke cheap ciggies and wish it wasn’t happening. Since then I’ve gotten used to it a lot, and half of the time I don’t even consider the possibility. But it was a shock when I first found out, I was bricking it, and the voices in my head always say they are going to kidnap me and bring me down. They still say that to this day, all day every day, day in day out. It’s a primordial fear, to have a secret bunker full of torture underneath you. I’ve learned to control my fear over the years. You can imagine what it sounds like down there. Full of misery pain anguish and death. But enough about that for the moment, because I don’t want to depress you. I want to be a relative beacon of light and hope, not scaredy-ass dread- and jitters-mongering. That’s my hope anyway. I hate anything that depresses me.

My mate Crazy Azzy says he goes psycho to things that he hates. That’s his term, “I go psycho to it.” He has three main things he goes psycho to. One is psycho to Nick Ellison. Nick Ellison is a kidnapper. Crazy Azzy says he goes psycho to Nick Ellison. He also says that he goes psycho to a whip. And finally he goes psycho to music that he doesn’t like. He describes himself as a new-age punk.

What do you go psycho to? I go psycho, at the moment, to anything that depresses me. I go psycho to it.

I’ve just been talking with a friend named Jackie. She’s been a staunch hardcore addict for 14 years, but now she is 2 weeks and 6 days clean. I didn’t think she’d do it if I’m honest, she was too far gone. She got married last week to a husband who only has 3 months to live due to drinking. She says she cleans his excrement up every morning and has to lift him off the toilet with her Judo skills because he hasn’t got the strength to do it himself. He goes through a crate of 18 beers a day, half a bottle of vodka, and a bottle of wine. She’s just been showing me her wedding snaps on her phone stood outside Pathways in the rain. We get along really well, she keeps saying that I’m a handsome man lol. It’s nice to be complimented. She just gave me 3 fags to smoke. I wish her all the very best and hope she stays clean because the drop back from the time you have been doing well is just awful and I wouldn’t wish it on anybody, least of all Jackie.

Not much else to report. Saturday is a bit of a danger day in regard to substances because it’s now not yet 1pm and my day’s business is almost over. Reportedly, there’s a circus on at 4pm in the town park. That sounds quite interesting, but I’ve got one eye on my speed dealer’s mobile number, as is per usual. I just wish I wasn’t a TI, and could use drugs as other normal people do, and enjoy a bit of pornography. On the other hand I feel like a junkies pervert with nothing else to live for, so it’s a dilemma.

If you are having a hard time from harassers or hate groups then it might be worth reading Deuteronomy 28, to find out what God Almighty has in store for your enemies. It’s a real eye-opener. The Lord’s wrath is ferocious when people pick on his children. I’ve started reading it cover to cover, I’m making good headway and am now on the Book of Joshua. It’s taking hours and hours to get anywhere with it. Some of it is slightly boring (please forgive me for saying that), but some if it is magical. I truly believe now that that book is the empirical word of God.

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